Friday, January 13, 2012

Ok----one it still dieting if you're using diet pills???

Not regular diet pills....those that keep you from wanting to eat...

I thing it's so funny when people claim they are dieting and tell their sob story of how bad they want a candy bar...when in fact, they still eat what they want---when they can. :) Just makes me laugh... I think it's hilarious!

No sympathy for you at all :) Now starve yourself, like we all have at one time or another...then we'll talk about your cravings.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today has been one of those days where you want to crawl back into the bed and pull the cover over your head. It's freezing outside and the wind is fierce!

I am so sick of winter!
I'm ready for warmer weather.

Aside from that, I thought I'd share something that's been on my mind lately. says in the bible that if someone asks for our forgiveness-then we have to forgive them, but if they show no repentance...then we do not have to forgive them...Is it just me, or is that a tad confusing??

This goes back to the last post....with that same lady...who tries her best to drive me insane. And no, it's not all about the one incident with the gun comment. There have been several comments like that. AND then she did something that hurt my feelings...mind you-that's not easily done...but she asked me to forgive her for what she had done...ok, so now what??

Forgive and forget??
Ok---I'm prepared to do that...but then there comes the repentance part...if she still acts the same way, still makes the same comments, ect, ect...then there's obviously no repentance....right???

So...for now I just avoid her.
GASP-the preacher's wife avoiding a church member??
Trust me...I'm not the only one that does it. Ha- If you don't see much of your pastor's wife...that may be why.

I avoid her, so I don't have to listen to her little comments. I don't know what to say back...and don't want to say something I will you know :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Literally Speechless

Ok-has someone ever said something to you that just left you speechless?
They sure have to me...

Did I mention I was a pastor's wife?? Did you read the part where I am human?? How is it that some people have a hard time grasping that last one??

There isn't any special forcefield around me that protects me and gives me super human powers. Although....that would come in handy...A LOT!

I recently had someone make a comment about my church...TO ME...that was really tacky, and totally something you wouldn't say to the pastor's wife....ever in a million years...or about your pastor to anyone for that matter.  And when she said it, she could harly hold her composure she was laughing so hard.

This is what she said. A little history first---My husband is in law enforcement. He works his own hours so it doesn't interfere with his pastoring...he also dresses in uniform some days and carries a gun. Apparently he was there at church one day at the same time this lady was...and she saw him. So the next time I saw her at church she makes this comment. "I saw your husband at church the other day dressed in his uniform...I started to ask him if that was a gun in his pocket or was he just happy to see me."

It left me with my jaw literally dropped and speechless...I didn't say a word to her...just turned around and walked off.

I didn't know what to think...still don't...Am I over reacting??

Anyway---had to get that off of my chest...I pray for this woman...but she really tries my patience sometimes.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Warning Labels

I'm sure you've seen the warning labels that are on electronics and such. You know---"please warn children of the dangers of death by electric shock" and "Do not drink" "This product is known to cause cancer in laboratory animals" Just to name a few that come to mind...

I sooooo wish people came with warning labels :) You know like, "Does not play well with others" or "Will attack without warning" or "Can't be trusted"...

Wouldn't that be something?? :) There wouldn't be anymore 'pretending to be something you're not' would there? It would all be laid out in the open. I think people should be that way anyway. I am the same way all of the time...or at least I try to be. I don't lie to please people...I don't pretend to be one person at church, another on facebook and a whole different person on a blog...and for what?? Just to impress a certain group of people? Or to try and convince yourself that you aren't yourself?? I just don't understand some people...not at all. Honestly...the only opinion that really matters is the Lords...and I highly doubt he's concerned about status updates :) although He is fully aware of them.

I know someone who is never the same. On Facebook she's one person, on her blog she's another...then at church, she is two or three different people. You never know...should I try to talk to her?? or not??  Not sure if she is in self-denial or suffers from multiple personality disorder. Not trying to be mean...not at all. I pray for this person, I do. But seriously...I just don't understand. Be real! Be yourself! If you don't like yourself, then change...just don't fake it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Too tired to sleep

It's late, I'm tired, and I really should be in the bed...but I can't sleep! And I hate to lie in bed, toss and turn and glance at the clock every few minutes...for's crazy! So...I decided to start this blog. Yeah-I know :) Way more productive than tossing and turning, right?! Not really...

Anyway...I'm a pastor's, if anyone else out in blog land is in the ministry...I'm guessing you probably fully understand my blog title. I love being a pastor's wife. I love being married to the pastor...I love being married to my husband in matter what his job title is, he is a great man. A great man of God with an awesome gift to explain things so that people can understand them...and enjoy it listening to him explain them... :) Ok...that may sound a little partial...right?? Oh well....maybe I am.

This blog is a way for me to get a few things out...out in the open I guess. If you read this a disapprove...I'm sorry. It's not meant to be anything other than my personal opinion and thoughts...prayers...maybe a few rants here and there. I am human too....