Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today has been one of those days where you want to crawl back into the bed and pull the cover over your head. It's freezing outside and the wind is fierce!

I am so sick of winter!
I'm ready for warmer weather.

Aside from that, I thought I'd share something that's been on my mind lately. says in the bible that if someone asks for our forgiveness-then we have to forgive them, but if they show no repentance...then we do not have to forgive them...Is it just me, or is that a tad confusing??

This goes back to the last post....with that same lady...who tries her best to drive me insane. And no, it's not all about the one incident with the gun comment. There have been several comments like that. AND then she did something that hurt my feelings...mind you-that's not easily done...but she asked me to forgive her for what she had done...ok, so now what??

Forgive and forget??
Ok---I'm prepared to do that...but then there comes the repentance part...if she still acts the same way, still makes the same comments, ect, ect...then there's obviously no repentance....right???

So...for now I just avoid her.
GASP-the preacher's wife avoiding a church member??
Trust me...I'm not the only one that does it. Ha- If you don't see much of your pastor's wife...that may be why.

I avoid her, so I don't have to listen to her little comments. I don't know what to say back...and don't want to say something I will you know :)

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