Friday, January 6, 2012

Literally Speechless

Ok-has someone ever said something to you that just left you speechless?
They sure have to me...

Did I mention I was a pastor's wife?? Did you read the part where I am human?? How is it that some people have a hard time grasping that last one??

There isn't any special forcefield around me that protects me and gives me super human powers. Although....that would come in handy...A LOT!

I recently had someone make a comment about my church...TO ME...that was really tacky, and totally something you wouldn't say to the pastor's wife....ever in a million years...or about your pastor to anyone for that matter.  And when she said it, she could harly hold her composure she was laughing so hard.

This is what she said. A little history first---My husband is in law enforcement. He works his own hours so it doesn't interfere with his pastoring...he also dresses in uniform some days and carries a gun. Apparently he was there at church one day at the same time this lady was...and she saw him. So the next time I saw her at church she makes this comment. "I saw your husband at church the other day dressed in his uniform...I started to ask him if that was a gun in his pocket or was he just happy to see me."

It left me with my jaw literally dropped and speechless...I didn't say a word to her...just turned around and walked off.

I didn't know what to think...still don't...Am I over reacting??

Anyway---had to get that off of my chest...I pray for this woman...but she really tries my patience sometimes.

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