Sunday, January 1, 2012

Too tired to sleep

It's late, I'm tired, and I really should be in the bed...but I can't sleep! And I hate to lie in bed, toss and turn and glance at the clock every few minutes...for's crazy! So...I decided to start this blog. Yeah-I know :) Way more productive than tossing and turning, right?! Not really...

Anyway...I'm a pastor's, if anyone else out in blog land is in the ministry...I'm guessing you probably fully understand my blog title. I love being a pastor's wife. I love being married to the pastor...I love being married to my husband in matter what his job title is, he is a great man. A great man of God with an awesome gift to explain things so that people can understand them...and enjoy it listening to him explain them... :) Ok...that may sound a little partial...right?? Oh well....maybe I am.

This blog is a way for me to get a few things out...out in the open I guess. If you read this a disapprove...I'm sorry. It's not meant to be anything other than my personal opinion and thoughts...prayers...maybe a few rants here and there. I am human too....

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